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Aviation Training Package – Remote Pilot Licence Project

This project will review and update the Certificate III in Aviation (Remote Pilot) to include current industry practices and more closely align the qualification with the Remote Pilot Licence (RePL).

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Drone utilisation in Australia is rapidly increasing across a wide range of industries. With this growth comes a growing demand for skilled and licensed drone operators.

This project will review and update the Certificate III in Aviation (Remote Pilot) to include current industry practices and more closely align the qualification with the Remote Pilot Licence (RePL).

The RePL is a licence issued by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) that allows the holder to operate a drone commercially anywhere in Australia. Currently, despite completing the Certificate III, students do not receive the license, necessitating additional time and financial investment to complete further training.

The alignment between the qualification and CASA regulations is crucial for developing a skilled and compliant workforce. A standardised approach that meets both educational and regulatory standards ensures that drone operators are better prepared to operate drones. This alignment would not only benefit the workforce by providing a clear and direct pathway to certification but also enhance the overall quality and efficiency of drone operations across industries.

This project will review and update:

  • Certificate III in Aviation (Remote Pilot)
  • 22 Units of Competency
  • 1 Skill Set

This project will also:

  • update the Aviation Companion Volume Implementation Guide.
  • produce a mapping document identifying changes 
  • update any out-of-scope product affected by the changes made to the project training products.

The reviewed training products are due to be submitted to the Assurance Body by 31 January 2026.

A Technical Committee of subject matter experts will be formed for this project. Your industry expertise and insight are welcome to help review and develop the Training Package materials.

Please register your interest via the project page, by close of business Friday, 13 September 2024.


Industry Skills Australia (ISA) will engage with stakeholders throughout the life of the project and consider all ideas, opinions, and feedback to the revised training products to ensure they meet the needs of industry. A consultation log containing a high-level summary of all feedback and ISA’s response will be maintained and available on our website.



Tricia Fidock

Project Specialist

M: 0409 872 933 | E:

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