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People first, for a future-fit supply chain workforce.

At Industry Skills Australia, we believe in a “people first” culture where a skilled workforce is about better jobs, increased productivity and creating opportunity.

2025 Workforce Plan Summary Papers

We are excited to release our 2025 Workforce Plan Key Challenges and Drivers Summary Papers. These Summary Papers are a result of extensive engagement with industry over 2024 and build on the issues raised in the 2024 Workforce Plans. We are asking for your input into confirming or otherwise these challenges and drivers for your industry. 

Our Summary Papers highlight short to medium -term challenges, such as skills shortages, attraction & retention, diversity opportunities, business support, and the need to adapt to technological change. They also explore long-term structural shifts, including decarbonisation, electrification, and sustainability.

2024 Workforce Plans

Development of a national Workforce Plan for each of our key industries is central to our role as a Jobs and Skills Council, and critical to our goal of building a world class supply chain workforce. 

Each Plan sets out the workforce development challenges and opportunities facing the industry and serves as a roadmap for the future by identifying what industry, the national skills system and governments need to do to build an agile, highly productive and resilient workforce.  

With no single stakeholder having the resources or remit to affect the volume of change required, these Plans are essential to establishing a common vision, clear roles and a way forward.

We have purposely prepared a separate Workforce Plan for each industry to optimise their relevance to stakeholders, and to ensure that they are short in length and sharp in focus.  These Plans are the result of significant stakeholder engagement, combined with qualitative and quantitative research, and guided by the direction and leadership of each industry’s Strategic Workforce Planning Committee.

Download the Workforce Plans
Aviation Workforce Plans 2024Maritime Workforce Plan 2024
Rail Workforce Plan 2024TLI Workforce Plan 2024

If you have any queries or would like to provide feedback on any of the Workforce Plans, please contact our Industry Engagement Managers:

AviationMori Hajizadeh0400 737 983
MaritimeAnna Jerrems0459 031 101
RailCarly Grigg 0456 360 785
Transport and LogisticsCamilla Elmes0484 821 888


Solving the Challenges Together

As the new Jobs and Skills Council for the nation's transport and logistics sectors, we will be bringing together business leaders, unions, governments, industry organisations and training providers to understand the real issues and collaborate on high impact solutions.

We’re committed to building a world class supply chain workforce to lift the nation’s productivity and create better jobs and careers for Australians. To secure this future we’ll need to tackle many challenges.

Whether its finding ways of getting more skilled truck drivers into the cabs of trucks to keep Australia’s supply chains moving.

Or sourcing a workforce to ensure the $155 billion pipeline of rail projects can be built and operated safely. Or building a strategic fleet to enhance our sovereign maritime capability and creating jobs for Australian seafarers.

Or figuring out how we ensure new workers are skilled to meet the challenges of increasing demand for aviation services. Or building the workforce for our emerging space transport and omni-channel logistics sectors which are both set for strong growth this decade.

Great ideas to address these challenges and many more can come from anyone and anywhere. Whether you’d like to collaborate with us, share your ideas, get involved in our activities or simply stay informed, get in touch now to join us on the journey.

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