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Rail - Mutual Recognition Project

This project will develop a quality framework that prescribes industry’s minimum expectations for design and delivery of training and assessment.

Australia’s rail networks have developed independently across different jurisdictions, resulting in a lack of national interoperability. Improving national rail interoperability is an Australian National Cabinet priority, and current investment in infrastructure is providing an opportunity to move toward a harmonised network across Australia.

In addition to the operational challenges network differences create, they also present significant challenges for labour mobility. The interoperability challenge is compounded by inconsistent approaches to training and assessment, and lack of mutual recognition of skills/competency across the rail networks to support transferability of skills between different networks and/or jurisdictions.

The Mutual Recognition Blueprint

To reduce training time and costs for Australia’s rail transport operators, the National Transport Commission consulted widely to develop a blueprint for nationally recognised entry level rail skills training. The blueprint includes the following components.

Phase 1 components

Phase 2 components

National Rail Skills Mutual Recognition Principles

Validation and moderation guidance for competency assessment

Guidance for the development, delivery and assessment of entry level rail skills.

Rail skills curriculum providing publicly accessible entry-level rail training programs

Governance group with industry, education, regulators and government


This project will develop the Phase 1 components of the blueprint, and scope work to be conducted in Phase 2 which will commence after this project.

The components will be published in a Rail Mutual Recognition Companion Volume to the TLI Transport and Logistics Training Package which will be added to as further material is developed to implement the blueprint.

Webinar Highlights:

  • Project deliverables: Presenting an overview of the deliverables for the project.
  • How to participate: Engaging and bringing together key stakeholders to steward reform, while sharing knowledge to identify, share and lift practices across the sector.
  • Literature Review Findings: Presenting high-level findings from a literature review of other skills recognition schemes and VET and Industry regulation implications for mutual recognition.

Your participation is crucial in shaping the future of rail industry training and assessment governance, design and delivery in Australia. Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of this major reform process.


Paul Humphreys

Workforce Planning & Development Specialist

M: 0429 670 588 | E:

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