What is it?
The Australian vocational education and training system (VET) is central to our economic growth and industry productivity.
The system is mature and has evolved over a number of years. Importantly, it involves a collaboration between the Commonwealth, State and Territory Governments and industry.
Australia’s VET system is about jobs.
It provides entry level skills enabling people to get a job and upskilling to enable people to get a better job.
It also provides people an opportunity to move across careers and change industry sectors.
In essence, it is about providing people with work ready skills needed to keep industry moving and to ensure that Australian industry remains productive and competitive.
The system is complex. Nearly 1 in 4 working-age Australians build and hone their skills through our VET sector each year. More than 4,500 Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) are engaged in training delivery and assessment.
Registered Training Organisations
Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) are the front line of the VET system. They are registered by one of Australia’s VET system regulators, the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA), the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (Victoria) or the Training and Accreditation Council (Western Australia) as providers and assessors of nationally recognised training and qualifications. Employers rely on RTOs to provide essential skills and knowledge to both new entrants and existing workers. High-quality training and assessment allows students to feel well equipped for employment or further study. Their qualification is seen as valuable when they enter the job market and employers recognise they have the skills and competencies specified in their qualification.
State Training Authorities
Industry Skills Australia works closely with State and Territory Government training authorities across its workforce development activities. States and Territories play a critical role in the implementation of VET and the Training Package development process.